
Thursday, July 28

Tornado in South Birmingham!
Bloody Hell! A tornado has hit Moseley, Kings Heath, Sparkbrook and other parts of south Brum. Greggs in Kings Heath seems to have been in the eye of the storm...

Richard Chavesty told the BBC Birmingham website:
"I was walking down to Greggs to get my daily steak bake when the wind started to pick up. I could tell something was wrong. The wind got so bad, I ran into an alley, I was so scared. I still haven't had my steak bake!"

Bru Miscum said:
"Man, this was a bostin' storm! I was in Greggs havin' a double pasty then b4 I knew it, my missus almost had her earrings blown out - there was sausage rolls flyin down the street and pies hittin the window and everythin."

The Prykemeister was there, risking his life to blog live from the scene.

More pics here , including some of Andy's

It certainly puts the Bewdley Whirlwind in the shade...