
Sunday, January 2

Serious stuff
There's some incredibly powerful stuff on the web and on blogs about the Tsunami. Bloggers can give a differrent viewpoint to most of what is seen in mainstream media, which generally only comes from one perspective.

Scary photos of the Tsunami

A vividly written blog by a survivor of the Tsunami. This is a guy from Colorado who is in Thailand.

"He told me his name with Michael and pointed in the direction we need to go. He left his daughter on the steps and we waded about 50 yards to the left and found his daughter, Grace, clinging to a tree. I realized I had met both of them the night before at the bar during the Christmas dinner party. She was 12 years old. I could see she was badly hurt and already drifting into shock. I thought Mike and I could make a seat with our interlocked hands and carry her to the deck, but then I realized that Michael was hurt as well - he had a broken ankle. He hid it well, but I knew he couldn't stand the extra weight. With Mike's help, I picked her up and waded back to the bedroom."

Photos from the same blogger

A blog and photos by a guy called Fred from Sri Lanka:

"I was a bit shocked to see (on the BBC this evening) boxes being thrown out of the back of a plane as it flew low over a disaster zone. I have no idea where it was, or how desperate the circumstances, but it looked care-less and the thought of surviving a catastrophe only to be killed by a case of Evian is a bit too much.

"The news people keep trying to decide which place has been worst hit, juggling the order in which they announce the countries according to the latest grim statistics. Some loss is beyond comparison."

Nanda Kishore and Suman Kumar blog from Chennai in India.

And some Chennai pictures

An Irishman in Thailand:

"I helped yesterday cleaning around a resort, and we had to stop quickly after one of the guys on my left discovered a body, under some debris. Hard and shocking, when you are not used to that."

And I guess you've all already seen this one:
South-East Asia Earhtquake and Tsunami blog

Boing Boing has been listing many of these blogs.