
Wednesday, September 22

Kebabs for breakfast in Berlin
So here I am in Berlin, from my vantage point I can see a guy with a kebab van and he seems to be doing a good trade, as the German appetite for kebabs is voracious...not as big as their appetite for sausages though of course...

The kebab stall opened at 10am this morning and it seems that people were having Kebabs for breakfast, whereas I preferred the hostel all you can eat buffet.

I've been taking lots of photographs, many of them gritty and urban - this despite the fact that my new memory card bought from eBay was lost in the post...Incidentally there are billboards and adverts for eBay here - i've never seen any back home...

Today we went to the checkpoint Charlie museum which was very interesting, then we went to this museum which we thought was about the Circus, but was in fact the most boring museum ever about the history of Berlin....we were confused thoroughly by some old German women who worked there, in fact that i've decided that the German government must employ old women to confuse tourists - they work as toilet attendants too...scrutinising you as you hand over 30 cents to have a piss.

My German is coming on a treat, all those war movies have paid dividends...tonight we are going to see The Faint which should be very cool indeed.

Mullet count is lower than expected....

More soon....