
Thursday, July 22

Fame...in Preston
If you glance at tonight's Lancashire Evening Post you will find an article about your humble narrator - hopefully with a really cheesy photo taken in my back garden!

Student trades way to success

It's quite a funny article, though it does seem to suggest that this is an award nominated blog and i'm not sure that is entirely correct! It's a nice plug for the blog - i'm sure the people of Lancashire will be logging in by the thousand. But most of all I love the last line:

'Phill has not ruled out a full-time career as a trader on eBay. "It's a possibility," he admitted. "But it might get a little boring after a while."'

Nothing beats ending an article on a high!

At least now I can retire a happy man, knowing I have featured in the premier newspaper of England's newest city and brought some much needed international publicity to its fine market.