
Monday, March 22

I just realised what a cool place the house I live in is:

- Opposite a chruch/arts centre, a book shop, and a library with 24 hour broad band internet access and free video rental

- Around the corner from a shop 'The Night Owl' that is open until 4am. It is reputed to be actually run be owls, but this is unconfirmed. And besides, how would they operate the till?

- Also around the corner from several delicious take-away establishments. HOT NEWS - Keith's Hawaiian Chicken faces new competition as the take-away across the road has opened up bigger and better than before. It has new tables and an even bigger kebab spinning machine!

- Just down the road from a selection of rather fine drinking establishments including the marvellous Dog and Partridge - where you will find the finest jukebox in Preston

- Five minutes walk from a cool gig venue

- Ten minutes walk from a train station, a coach station and Europe's second largest bus station!

What could be better really?